I Don't Want To Go In.
By Sandra Richardson
I don't want to go in the house.
It isn't just that there is unfinished housework in there. Not just that (as is usual) there are pockets of clutter that need tidying. Not even that I have shirts to iron.
It is just too beautiful a day.
Actually, too beautiful two days. I started this in the evening of the 10th and am finishing it up mid-afternoon on the 11th.
I didn't stay out on the deck all night. Although if I'd had one of those patio canopy thingys with the fabric screen sides, I would have been tempted to. It was that fantastic outside.
In other news, the backyard makeover is almost finished. I'm about 3/4s finished with sanding the seams on the small patio. The door from the house to the new, small, patio needs to be purchased and installed - do you install doors? Should it be put in? Set in? Placed? I know you install appliances and pastors, software and light fixtures, but not sure if you install doors. But that's what's left to do, that and some rigging for a shade thing that I've got planned for the small (and very sunny) patio.
The door will also blend into another project that was actually planned before people gave me outdoor plants that morphed into the huge backyard makeover. I will be cleaning out and redoing my workroom since it has to be cleared out anyway to install the door. It will be be totally cleared out, old carpeting ripped up and thrown out. New paint on the walls, something done with the cheap texturing that's working it's way off the ceiling, and after all that and the door is done, new carpeting put in.
Then - I'm taking a break for a bit on the remodeling. Not too long, but I need a break.
Earlier this week, Ray and I planted butterfly bushes along the south and east sides of the small patio. They have already had visitors:

A Buckeye Butterfly

A hungry juvenile male Hummingbird
The rest of the photos are here:
I was also wondering if anyone else has noticed what I've noticed. It seems the robins are starting to flock already, and I can tell that the hummingbirds are eating more to get ready to migrate (they look like they're pregnant). It's about a month early for both of these things to be happening. Have you noticed? Let me know and . . .
Go out and enjoy the nice weather if it's made it to your area!
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