Monday, November 8, 2010

Mug shots

A friend of mine posted a photo like this, mentioning that it is something that is going around right now that she decided would be fun to join in on. I agree. :-)

I use this mug every day. My daughter gave it to me after I decided to pursue a career as a writer. She knows her Mom well - I have a hard time believing in myself - and this reminder to do so has really helped me.

My daughter and I are best friends. She has even introduced me to several authors whose books I never would have read and I now love. She is my first reader on most of my stories and has done a great job with advising me.

Thank you, Sarah, for everything you do for me, but most for being the best daughter in the world!

Do any of you have a mug that inspires you?

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


What is it about the peaches growing on a tree in southern Pennsylvania that seems to be causing strange side effects for a young woman and her dog?

In a case of flagrant self promotion I am, with great excitement :-) , posting the link to Abandoned Towers magazine issue #7.

My first published original story, "The Peach Tree", is in the magazine. The issue is available in either a print or a download-able file edition if any of you are interested in purchasing it.

I am so happy! I'm a published author :-D

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Trailer for cool new book

Check out this trailer for a fascinating new book.

Monday, April 26, 2010

It has been a long time since I posted here. I had let it fade away because 1) I had nothing of interest going on with my writing and 2) no one was commenting so I reckoned no one was bothering to read what I was writing.

However, I've taken on a challenge of sorts, suggested by
Jennifer Blanchard of Procrastinating Writers ( The challenge is "30 Days to a Better Writer" and involves writing every day for 30 days - including writing to your blog at least 2-3 times a week and writing down at least two story/scene ideas per day.

So here I am at my blog again.

I still have nothing much of interest going on with my writing. I doubt there will be a rush of comments, especially since I doubt anyone is checking here any longer, but, I will be posting that 2-3 times for at least the next few weeks.

I hope I will bring something of interest to you as I do this challenge that will, hopefully, help me become a better writer.
